Ridge Supply


Name:  Kari Hutson
IG Handle:  @hutsonk09
Location:  Columbus Ohio

1.  What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2021

2.  Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- Absolutely Not!

3.  If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

- slim jim, cheese, and a coke

4.  Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

- mushrooms, pepperoni, and sausage

5.  What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- The community of folks both IRL and virtual

6.  Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- 24 hour mountain bike world championships (Wembo), Breck Epic, Utah Mixed Epic

7.  Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- It never gets easier, you just go faster

8.  What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

- Rick Astley

9.  After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- An ice cold coke

10.  What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

-  I drink iced coffee year round, no matter what the outside temperature is.

Arsenal Profile - Jon Mason

Name:  Jon Mason

IG Handle:  @bucklerembro

Location:  Tallahassee, FL

1.  What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2020 or 2019

2.  Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- Socks, yea. Crocs, nah!

3.  If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your ”gas station go-to?”;

- Mexican Coke and a Honey Bun, I always regret the Honey Bun.

4.  Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn’t count):

- Figs, Prosciutto, Pistachios

5.  What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- The community

6.  Pick three destinations (or events) you’d like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- Western States, Lofoten Islands, A long slow ride through the Côte d’Or with many stops

7.  Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- Always Forward, Never Back!

8.  What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn’t normally admit to?

- Bob Segar, Night Moves

9.  After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- A beer

10.  What is something interesting about you that wouldn’t come up in normal conversation?

- I produce ‘Watts for the Sole’ Chamois Cream


Name: Robert White
IG Handle: @displacedtxn
Location: Norfolk, VA

1. What Arsenal Class year are you?


2. Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

No. Crocs. Ever.

3. If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

I try to be good…but I’m a sucker for some gummy bears.

4. Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

Grilled chicken, red pepper, and yes…pineapple.

5. What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

The community is amazing, it was an Arsenal member who got me into cycling and I’m forever hooked.

6. Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

I want to ride the Blue Ridge Parkway, I plan to do a century on the Virginia Capital Trail (I hear good things), and I’m stoked for my first Croatan Buck Fifty!

7. Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

8. What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

I’ve been listening to the same music since high school…but there is a lot of Disney and the Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse soundtrack songs.

9. After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

Nothing better than a shower beer.

10. What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

I used to work at a Hot Topic.

Name: Courtney Dixon
IG: @courtdixon13
Location: New Bern, NC

1. What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2020 I think.

2. Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- No crocs, but Ridge Supply socks always

3. If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

- Usually by then I’ve had too much sugar so usually just water and I look for something close to a Cliff Bar

4. Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

- pepperoni and jalapeno

5. What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- I love being a part of the "crew". Everyone is always kind to one another. not like some clubs that act like elitists. Obviously I love the style and colors that you guy come up with too.

6. Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- Unbound gravel, KS
- Rebeccas private Idaho

7. Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- “The best pace is a suicide pace and today looks like a good day to die,” – Steve Prefontaine

8. What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

- No Doubt

9. After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- Protein drink

10. What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

- I love playing music, drums and guitar, as much as I love bikes

Arsenal Profile - David Walker

Name: David Walker
IG Handle: @staffordshire_rouleur
Location: Stafford, UK

1. What Arsenal Class year are you?

2018 or 19 I think

2.  Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

I'm European. We don't do such crimes against humanity.

3.  If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

Mars bar and a coke but I don't bonk. 

4.  Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

I'm a veggie so it's a bit limited.

5.  What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

Seeing where other people ride.

6.  Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

Table Mountain, South Africa. Mount Fuji, Japan and the coast to coast in the US. I can do coast to coast in the UK in a day and have done.

7.  Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of 
his Gods

8.  What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

Miley Cyrus

9.  After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

Coffee comes 1st. Always coffee.

10.  What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

Despite being ex-Royal Navy I much prefer Barbados rum to Naval Rum.

Arsenal Profile - Lisa Baynes

1.  What Arsenal Class year are you?


2.  Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

Nah,  I wear my Ridge Supply socks with drug store flip flops

3.  If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

HoneyBun, Vinegar & Salt chips and Cherry Coke

4.  Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

Jalapenos, Pepperoni, Olives

5.  What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

Community Spirit and Camaraderie

6.  Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

Croatan Buck Fifty


The South Downs Way (England)

7.  Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

Spin to Win

8.  What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

Taylor Swift's Evermore but I typically admit to all my music choices...

9.  After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

Smoothie w/ frozen fruits, veggies and turmeric

10.  What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

I’m a research nerd, having spent over 20 years doing genealogy

Conquering Fears - by Arsenal Member Lisa Baynes

Pisgah National Forest is renowned for its natural beauty.  Part of the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina, the hardwood forests are full of rivers, waterfalls, mountain peaks and miles and miles of trails.  It’s one of the most beautiful places in the southeast.

While I’ve hiked in Pisgah many times, my first venture into the forest on a mountain bike was one of the scariest things I’ve done on a bike.  It was several years ago.  My bike skills were just shy of beginner and I somehow talked my roadie husband into heading up a fire road to bomb down a single track in Pisgah.  It was not fun! I spent the entire descent with one foot unclipped and ready to hike a bike over boulders, wet slippery narrow bridges, huge wet roots, rock drops, root drops and water tables.  I swore if I made it back to the car intact I’d never ride there again.  I did in fact make it back unscathed physically but I had nightmares about it for a week. 

Fast forward those few years, a new Specialized Stumpjumper, miles and miles of practice and guidance from great friends, I was asked to join some friends again in The Pisgah.  I met my buddies  Bob and Dan and we set off and started the climb up.  After a short hike and bike along Club Gap Trail we started the descent on Avery.  My heart was thumping because I did not know what to expect and at the same time I knew what to expect, but I was excited for the challenge. Wet slippery roots and rocks have always been my weakness, and Pisgah is a wet place. I’ve never been able to fully trust my bike to get me through it.  I knew rain was coming in later that day and each minute that went by made me more and more nervous about descending in extra wet conditions.  I started thinking maybe I’d made a bad choice deciding to ride that day.  The descents were so much fun though and each one made me eager for more.  Clawhammer was one heck of a climb up to Middle Black.  I’d heard some crazy things about the root exposure and erosion on this trail.  When we arrived at the junction we met Shrimper with Single-track Trails. He was taking down the chain and opening up the “new” Middle Black a day early.  While newly made trails are soft and often hard to ride, I was thankful for that challenge instead of the badly eroded old trail.  High Anxiety, the new trail, was definitely full of anxiety as it’s a narrow single track on a bench cut all the way down the mountain.  It gets fast really quick!  Hang on, keep your eyes ahead and just let your bike do what it does best and I assure you that you ‘will’ exit the trail with a big fat smile on your face!  It was actually fun to hang out and watch others bust out of the trail as well.   I think we sat there too long because we heard a boom of thunder. We started down Lower Black and the downpour caught us.  Here I was heading down more gnar in a deluge of rain on a trail full of rocks and roots.  Lower Black is so flowy though that even in a downpour I still found myself laughing out loud in exaltation of actually conquering my fear of Pisgah!  I didn’t even care about the rain.  I was soaked, muddy, tired and happy. I am very grateful for my bike friends that encourage me, cheer for me, and mentor me to be a better rider.  My only advice for anyone riding Pisgah for the first time is  “don’t fight the mountain”.

Arsenal Profile - Joshua Greenfield

Name: Josh Greenfeld
IG Handle: @jmg780
Location: Baltimore, MD

1. What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2021

2. Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- Gross!

3. If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

- As much Coke as possible!

4. Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

- Italian sausage, BBQ chicken and pineapple (sorry not sorry)

5. What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- The hot hot jersey!

6. Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- Transcordilleras (Colombia), the Rift (Iceland), and White Rim FKT (I will NOT get close to a FKT)

7. Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- You'll Never Walk Alone - Liverpool Futbol Club Creed

8. What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

- Pandora Station set to the "Pitch Perfect" station...actually, I readily admit to this

9. After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- A Natty Boh (or National Bohemian beer for the uninitiated and not from Baltimore)

10. What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

- Before getting into bikes, I was a professional level mixed martial arts (aka UFC style) fighter...but alas, I needed my brain to fully function so I switched to bikes.