Name:  Kari Hutson
IG Handle:  @hutsonk09
Location:  Columbus Ohio

1.  What Arsenal Class year are you?

- 2021

2.  Socks with Crocs, yes or no?

- Absolutely Not!

3.  If you are bonking on a long run or ride, what is your "gas station go-to?"

- slim jim, cheese, and a coke

4.  Name your three favorite pizza toppings (and pineapple doesn't count):

- mushrooms, pepperoni, and sausage

5.  What is your favorite part of being a Ridge Supply Arsenal Member?

- The community of folks both IRL and virtual

6.  Pick three destinations (or events) you'd like to go run or ride that you have never been:

- 24 hour mountain bike world championships (Wembo), Breck Epic, Utah Mixed Epic

7.  Do you have a quote that motivates you in life or in sport?

- It never gets easier, you just go faster

8.  What music is on your playlist right now that you wouldn't normally admit to?

- Rick Astley

9.  After a day out running or riding, what is the first thing you are grabbing out of the refrigerator?

- An ice cold coke

10.  What is something interesting about you that wouldn't come up in normal conversation?

-  I drink iced coffee year round, no matter what the outside temperature is.